Imagine you are sitting on a picnic blanket in the middle of a grassy park. The sunshine warms your skin as a gentle breeze drifts through the crisp air. Now, imagine you are plucked from that park and dropped inside a dimly-lit cubicle with no indoor plants.
Did you feel a shift in your mood from when you envisioned yourself outside versus inside a cubicle? The answer is probably yes. This simple thought exercise effectively demonstrates the value of incorporating more natural elements into corporate offices as a means of improving one’s mood. But don’t take our word for it, there is ample science behind why you should bring the outdoors inside.
These are just some of the many articles that support the notion that having a greener office is better than having a leaner office. As John Muir, a prominent naturalist, once said, “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” Thus, try incorporating nature into your office, and the effects may surprise you.
For more tips on how to establish an outdoor area in your office space, see what designer Elaine Medeiros had to say.
Additionally, check out these other ways to make your office more productive and enjoyable.